Monday, May 23, 2011


Hear a catchy song, maybe even one you can't stand (like by Justin Bieber), and it just replays over and over? Like an ipod stuck?
These are the ones in my head, or I wish were:

Nocturne in C-sharp Minor
I wish this was replaying in my head!! My dear friend played it at her senior piano recital.  It has a melancholy beginning, which transitions into a mysterious happiness, then returns to the sorrow. But, at the end, it concludes in joy.

A Little Fall of Rain
In choir this year, we sung a Les Miserables  medley; which led to general Les Mis obsession. My friends all mentioned this song: most love it, a few despise it.  I find it touching and beautiful...Caution: 'tis catchy.
Oh, and if you're allergic to Nick Jonas, you probably won't like it either.

Dark Waltz
This one's seriously stuck. Can't... make... it...stop!
The Prayer
Love this one; it's in the musical Camelot. I wish I could remember all the lyrics...

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Macadamia and Pistachio

I would like everyone to meet a spunky, energetic someone...oh, and she's not the squirrel.  Meet Terez, the foster mother for the above dears:
That's her hand there.  :)  She raised two squirrels, Macadamia and Pistachio, from four months of age, to strapping, young squirrel teens.  She got them from the Wildlife Rescue Team, Inc
Now, meet the dears: Macadamia’s the girl, she has a more orange belly, Pistachio is the boy
I got to hold Macadamia several times. Once she even fell asleep in my hands!

Here she's being difficult.
So cute. They chew a lot.
Terez says when they were tiny, they grew so fast you could see the difference the next day!
Weird fact-squirrels do not carry rabies.
When they are little, a squirrel tail resembles a rat's. It get poofier with age.
 Are they not adorable? Terez gave the dears back to the society and now they are going through wildlife boot camp so they can live like other squirrellies.


So, I don't know how many of you saw the squirrel post I did put up.  Unfortunately, as some of you might know, blogger crashed, and now my post is missing.  I'll try and reconstruct it.  Just thought you should now I was not slacking.

Thursday, May 5, 2011


Sorry for being gone so long.  I've been busy with concerts, finals and papers, so I haven't really had time to blog.   Anyways, I'll be posting here soon with pictures of something.... actually, somethings.... Can you guess what they are? Here's a hint:

Any guesses? (Avy, you don't count)