Sunday, February 27, 2011

Why 'ello there!

Hey, bet you all wouldn't guess that... 
(actually, I'm taller than Phaythe, so "little" goes out the window.)

I'd love to introduce myself... 
I enjoy playing the violin, talking, being quiet, playing the piano, listening to Owl City (and Joshua Bell, Yiruma, Itzhak Perlman, and many, many, more...) hanging out with friends, being a Christian, and well, lots more! 
(You'll get to know me a bit better than that, cuz, I'm planning on sneaking and guest blogging on my sisters blog more often. ;) )

Anyway, just wanted to hop on and say hi! 

Monday, February 7, 2011

Cutest Insect at the Super Bowl

I've been fascinated by little insects since I was little, and, at one point, contemplated becoming a entomologist. Anyways, while watching the Super Bowl I saw this ad. I think he's adorable!