Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Contemplating his Namesake...

Marbles dear here staring at his namesakes…
 Marbles: Why did you name me after a small round object??
So yes, Marbles is my dear kitty.
 Marbles: Round?!
We’ve had him since he was born.  Actually, we even saw him and his siblings born.
Marbles: Round… Is that a comment on my weight? X(
He was the last one; the little baby.  (He kinda looked like a skunk.)
Marbles: What???
Anyways, he’s not so teeny anymore.
Marbles: Aspersions! Casting aspersions on my weight!?


  1. I found your blog - it's wonderful! I love your post titles - they're very creative! Can't wait for more posts!

    In Christ,
    Queen Lucy

  2. Thank you so much! I'm just figuring all of it out.

  3. This is Anna, Abbey's friend. I LOVE you artwork it is amazing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
